Get the window number of your application’s work window.
pascal short WorkWindowNumber(void);
function WorkWindowNumber: INTEGER;
This function returns the window number of your application’s work window. Your application has only one such window which gains its “work window” status under any of the following conditions:
• the user clicks in a window, or any object in a window
• a window is opened as modal (because the next action must take
place within that window)
• a standard window is opened (and therefore activated), and the
previous work window was an active standard window
• the work window is closed or hidden, in which case the following
will become the work window:
front most standard window (if any are open), or
front most floating palette (if any are open), or
the tool bar (if it is open)
• a window is activated
Your application can treat a work window like an active window, in that it is an eligible target for the user’s activity. If your application does not use a tool bar or floating palettes, the work window is the same as the active window.
Get the window number of the window containing your application’s active editing field.
pascal short EditFldWindowNumber(void);
function EditFldWindowNumber: INTEGER;
This function returns a window pointer to a Tools Plus window regardless if it is open or not.
This function returns the window number of the window containing the active editing field in your application. If your application does not have a tool bar or floating palettes, this window will either be the active window (front most), or it will be zero (0) when there is no active field. When a tool bar and/or floating palettes are used, this window can potentially be any of the active windows (tool bar, any floating palette, or the active standard window). See the Editing Fields chapter for details.
Window is the window number of a Tools Plus window. Window must be less than or equal to MaxWindows as defined by InitToolsPlus.
The function’s value returns true if the window is open, and false if the window is not open. Note that an open window may have been hidden by your application, and therefore not be visible.
function WindowIsVisible (Window: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
Window is the window number of a Tools Plus window. Window must be less than or equal to MaxWindows as defined by InitToolsPlus.
The function’s value returns true if the window is open and visible, and false if the window is not open or not visible. The term “visible” refers to being programatically unhidden. It does not mean “obscured by other windows or objects.”
Window is the window number of a Tools Plus window. Window must be less than or equal to MaxWindows as defined by InitToolsPlus. The window may be hidden.
The function with a value that corresponds to the type of window being referenced. The four constants that can be used to evaluate a window’s type are wNoKind (window is not open), wToolBarKind, wFloatingKind, and wStandardKind.
function WindowPointer(Window: INTEGER): WindowPtr;
This function returns a window pointer to a Tools Plus window regardless if it is open or not.
Window is the window number of a Tools Plus window. Window must be less than or equal to MaxWindows as defined by InitToolsPlus. If it is not, nil is returned.